Colic in Babies Age, Causes, Symptoms, Techniques and Remedies
What is colic? Colic does not have a standard definition. It is best described as a state of prolonged and
Read moreWhat is colic? Colic does not have a standard definition. It is best described as a state of prolonged and
Read moreJaundice is the yellow tinge of the skin, sclera (whites of the eyes) and inside of the mouth that arises
Read moreDiarrhoea, or “runny tummy”/”running stomach”, is frequent liquid stools or loose bowel movements which is one of the most common
Read moreChickenpox is one of the most common childhood viral infections and in most cases it is a mild disease. However
Read moreThe MMR vaccine is a 3-in-1 combination vaccine offering protection against measles, mumps and rubella (German measles). While only the
Read moreThe dangers of cigarette smoking is widely publicised in the media and smokers cannot claim to be ignorant about the
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