Lasik Surgery (Eye) in South Africa

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a popular eye surgery conducted for the treatment of short-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. Often seen as a more convenient and permanent ‘fix’ for certain sight disorders than glasses or contact lenses, Lasik surgery is now available in all major city centres in South Africa.

Lasik surgery is an outpatient procedure and patients are fully conscious during the procedure. A mild sedative or anesthetic eye drops may be administered but overall, the procedure is quick and fairly painless. Unlike previous surgical attempts to correct mild sight disorders, Lasik is fairly safe and very effective in improving the eyesight for a few years if not permanently.The most common ‘side effect’ of lasik surgery is dryness of the eyes and night glare often experienced during night driving. These ‘side effects’ are minor and does not occur in every patient who undergoes lasik surgery.

Lasik should only be conducted by an opthamologist and the entire procedure usually lasts about 30 minutes. Lasik surgery may be covered by some medical aid plans in South Africa however this is often partial cover and a patient will have to pay the outstanding amount themselves. It is advisable that you consult with your medical aid about their policies regarding lasik surgery as it can be a fairly costly procedure.

Lasik surgery in South Africa is fairly cheap compared to first world countries and with some of the best medical professionals globally, conducting your lasik surgery within South Africa would be advisable. With the coming 2010 World Cup Soccer, many tourists may opt to utilize local medical services such as lasik surgery (medical tourism in South Africa) and can rest assured of a quality and cost effective procedure conducted by highly skilled medical professionals.

If you are considering Lasik surgery, it is advisable to discuss your condition with an opthamologist experienced in the procedure. Not every person with a sight disorder will qualify for lasik surgery and in severe cases of short-sightedness or far-sightedness, lasik surgery may not be able to offer a complete correction or restoration of your sight.